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Part Cyborg Part Author |
Who am I?
I am the author James L. Graetz.
My latest project is the fantastic short anthology with Davene Le Grange. Neon Digital Darkness - it contains my short story, Digital Jambi. I hope you check it out. It will be on Kindle Unlimited, and for sale on Amazon stores.
I was lucky enough to be involved in a second anthology called The Theater of Nok-Mondu. Fantasy Science fiction at its core, it explores many worlds in Nissa's desire for real connection in a world obsessed with the virtual.
The Theater of Nok-Mondu is available on Amazon. Check it out and support all 10 authors, the stories are varied and threaded together by Davene LeGrange's overarching story.If you arrived here because you read something of mine or you enjoyed one of my stories please let me know. Email me at james.l.graetz at gmail dot com. I would love to hear from you. All feedback is welcome and encouraged.
I have always had an inquisitive nature and my morbid fascination of everything from love all to the unimaginable. It is from this curiosity that my stories are born.
Being open and interested has allowed me a privileged ride through life; from a factory floor, to neuroscience and beyond.
The places I've been; I breathed the altitude atop the pyramid of the sun, tasted Leatherwood honey from the flowers of ancient trees; and through my writing I journey into the past, the future, and through the ocean of humanities words.
Welcome to my journey.
(...and yes I drew my profile pic with my own hands in high school for art)