CyberCroc is LIVE! 🐊
I was lucky enough to be invited to write a story for the Cyberpunk Coalition (twitter link) who are a group of talented writers who got together to celebrate everything the genre by creating Cyberpunk Day.
Neo Cyberpunk - the Anthology, contains 15 stories from talented authors, its worth the purchase. There is sure to be a story you like from the minds of the talented writers involved.The group was gracious enough to allow me to submit a story. I am excited as a new author, that it was accepted and I will be published beside these highly talented people.
Which brings me to my story - CyberCroc.
There is always a corporate job for a talented hacker. When you are overwhelmed by debts to the gangs, and credits are needed for upgrades survive the upcoming Cyber-fight tournament, you have to take what you can get.
Experimenting on brain to brain communication tech with a Crocodile seems like an interesting way to spend your day, moral quandaries aside. Besides, nobody has had any success in the field yet.
This story follows the personal log entries of this fighter and hacker as he tussles with street gangs, corporate pressure, an upcoming cyber-fight tournament, and of course finding out what happens when you try to talk to a crocodile with your brain.
I'd love to hear if you enjoyed it or want to read more about CyberCroc, or any thoughts about the story. Let me know through Twitter or email.
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